Mr. Minner's Mathmagic Land!
Laurel Intermediate Middle School
801 S. Central Ave.
Laurel, Delaware 19956

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Laurel High School

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

           Click for Homework Assignments Here are some mathematical project ideas that are complete with things to think about and suggestions on how you can proceed. For other ideas that you may wish to pursue independently check out these mathematical topics.

Pythagorean Theorem
Make a model, either drawn or built, of the relationship at the right in order to demonstrate that when squares are constructed on each of the sides of a right triangle as well as on the hypotenuse that the sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.

What do you notice about a 3-4-5 triangle?

Can you find other triangles with different whole number side lengths that satisfy the Pythagorean Theorem? If you can those numbers are referred to as Pythagorean Triples.

Try to find 2 or 3 situations in everyday life where the ability to utilize this relationship would be useful.

The Pythaagorean Theorem is so fabulous and intriquing that literally hundreds of people, from all walks of life throughout the generations, have tried to prove it.
Even former U.S. President James Garfield took the time to develop an original proof. Research President Garfield's proof and explain in your own words why it makes sense.

Education Pays!
It is a fact that people with an education make more money and live happier, healthier, and longer lives. In 2006 an American with a college education makes an average of $23,000 per year more than one with just a high school diploma. The high school graduate earns about $10,000 more per year than someone who quits high school at age 16.

Model the following situation:

  • Andy quits high school at age 16 in 2006 and begins working at a job; one that he will keep until he retires at age 60. His earnings average $22,000 per year.

  • Brandy recevies her high school diploma at age 18 in 2008 and immediately begins working at a job; one that she will keep until she retires at age 60.

  • Candy, who graduated high school with Brandy, goes on to college and earns her degree in 2012. She gets a job after graduation; one that she will keep until she retires at age 60.

Based on all of the information given above compare and contrast the salaries earned by the three individuals during their lifetimes. You might consider breaking down the comparisons by weekly, monthly, yearly, and lifetime earnings. You may wish to supplement your presentation with graphs in order to bolster your argument. Based on your knowledge of a familiy's wants and needs during a lifetime attempt to visualize the differences in quality of life that these individuals are likely to experience.

What do you think the abilities of these individuals will be with respect to buying a car, buying a home, supporting a family, and handling a medical emergency?

Why Can't You Hit the High Heat?
Professional baseball players will tell you that the hardest pitch to hit is the high fastball! Did you ever wonder why? See if you can model the pitch of a high fastball compared to the pitch of a fastball for a strike at the knees.

Suppose that a pitcher is 6 feet tall, standing 60 feet, 6 inches from home plate. He hurls a fastball at 90 miles per hour for a strike to a batter standing 6 feet tall as well. Compare the flight of each pitch as it leaves the extended arm of the pitcher until the time it crosses home plate. What do you think the reaction time will be for the batter on each pitch? Drawing a detailed geometric diagram should be helpful to you as you make your argument. You may wish to consult with your PE/Health/Art teachers to get some idea about what the average strike zone (knees to armpits) would be for a typical male who was 6 feet tall.

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