Mr. Minner's Mathmagic Land!
Laurel Intermediate Middle School
801 S. Central Ave.
Laurel, Delaware 19956

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Laurel High School

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

           Mathematics relates directly to the understanding and appreciation of a myriad of everyday activities and topics that people find interesting. Your challenge is to perform independent research of one or more of the topics that follow and be able to articulate the significance that mathematics plays in its understanding.

  • The Role of Mathematics in Weather Forecasting

  • Fibonacci Numbers

  • Where is the magic in Pascal's Triangle?

  • The Golden Proportion in Nature

  • How are polls used to make predictions?

  • Probability and Genetics

  • Design & Build a Sundial

  • How did Eratosthenes measure the circumference of the earth?

  • How does a basketball bounce?

  • How did the Egyptians build the Great Pyramids?

  • Binary Number System and Computers

  • How do we measure the distance to planets in the solar system?

  • Make an argument for why one should or should not purchase lottery tickets.

  • Is time travel possible?

  • Make population projections about the United States.

  • What is origami?

  • What is a great circle route?

  • How does mathematics help us understand gravity?

  • Conduct an opinion poll in your school and make a prediction from the results.

  • What is the minimum number of colors required to make a map so that regions that touch are not the same color?

  • How can the height of objects and projectiles be measured without the observer leaving the ground?

  • How can the value of pi be determined by dropping sticks on a lined surface?

  • Why does the U.S. military have an interest in recruiting young people with mathematical minds?

  • How can mathematics be used to break a secret code?

  • Make a prediction on how much money you would need to save each year from age 18 in order to accumulate $1,000,000 at age 60.

  • Why did Time magazine name Albert Einstein its "Man of the Century" in 1999?

  • Is the human body really symmetrical?

  • How is mathematics used to predict the phases of the moon and tides?

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 Home  8th Grade Math  Algebra I  Springboard Online  Bulldogs With Brains!  Math Jokes!  Other Stuff  About Mr. Minner